They say that tech always Marks the spot. Take a look at IT through the lens of a 12-year veteran in higher ed who is looking to improve and grow. Puns aren’t only welcome–they’re encouraged.

Spellcheck My Doc, Before It's Too Late

Writing is its own skill with its own set of challenges. Instantiating thought into representative syntax is fraught with the potential for errors and issues. It’s axiomatic of the human condition but, also axiomatic to the human condition, people have created some tools to assist with that. Enter vale.…
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More Lessons from the Pipeline

“Surfing is like life. Every wave and every day are different,” is a quote of unknown origin, but it shouldn’t be applied to builds. This post goes over some improvements for the pipeline that builds this website.…
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We All Live in a Broken Git Submodule

Submodules have been a thorn in my side for some time. This is just the latest problem–the submodule says it’s up-to-date but is also fatally broken.…
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Branches? We Don't Need No Stinking Branches! - Getting Good With Git

Git can be a scary place. I’ve definitely run afoul of it in my life. I do believe, however, that this comes from a lack of experience. And failure is the best teacher. Let’s branch this website’s repo.…
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Setting Up This Website Part 2 - Making Things Nice

We’ve got a Hugo site up in an Azure DevOps git repository and we’ve got a working* pipeline. What’s next?…
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Setting Up This Website - Static Web Apps in Azure

Setting up a jamstack site, using Hugo in this particular case, in Azure is a pretty great thing. You get to have the site deploy itself once you push to the repo and it does make life that much easier.…
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