vale 2: vale Harder

Posted on Dec 29, 2021

They say “there’s nothing new under the sun” and “there are no original ideas”. That may be true but they rarely speak of restraint when you have what you think is a good idea. Marc Randolph is credited as saying “No one knows if it’s a good or bad idea until you try it,” but, Marc, sometimes people know. I already knew it was a bad idea to use this concept as the beginning of this post but I committed to the bit. It’s a similar situation with adding vale to the pipeline (or “build”–I’m certain I will begin using those two interchangeably at some point but it is “pipeline” in Azure DevOps vernacular).

Table Of Contents

Revved up like a deuce

This is the sequel to the (now) infamous (maybe?) post Spellcheck My Doc, Before It’s Too Late which also builds on prior posts. That’s ok. Maybe you’ve gone this far on your own. Maybe you’ve got vale set up just how you like it and you’re only looking to drop that in your build. This is certainly where you want to be.

Previously on…

There is some minutiae that I’d like to go over in the event that you are moving your wonderful existing vale setup over. As I’m using a Hugo site, and using the Azure DevOps Static Web App service and deployment task, there are some considerations with the path. The root of the Hugo site, where configuration.toml is (assuming you only have one), is where the build takes place. styles is in the root directory. It absolutely doesn’t need to be–in fact it should probably be in the assets directory where the dictionary is so that it doesn’t actually get deployed to the website. Mark takes a note that will be another post.

├── Microsoft
├── Readability
└── marktoso
    ├── Kiss.yml
    ├── Readability.yml
    ├── Spelling.yml
    ├── Substitute.yml
    └── TresComas.yml

vale, the command, was installed via Homebrew. This can be done in your pipeline on an on-demand basis or it can be copied over from some location however I’m pointing this out because I’m hosting this DevOps agent (build agent? runner? depends on which CI/CD product you’re using) on a Linux system that is in my possession. Azure DevOps agents run in containers and get built and destroyed every time they run so you’ll need to keep that in mind as it’s more likely that you’re using a DevOps agent than not. When running jobs from the DevOps agent they don’t load the user profile. Right now I’m using full paths to point to the binaries and takes another note that will also be another post.

“Lowrider”, Donny? Donny, “Lowrider”.

The Azure DevOps Pipeline is where the rubber meets the road. Or where the code meets the build. Well, it is the build. Where the code meets the deployment. But it’s also the deployment. So where the code meets the end result which is likely to be some other form ready for consumption by an agent that can be animal, vegetable, mineral, or other code. But let’s see exactly what it will take to get this built in sixty seconds.1

Scripty McScriptface

Yes, the ubiquitous bash script. We call upon thee in time of utility. Shell scripts aren’t my preference–at least not anymore. I’ll say something nice about all of the scripting languages I’ve used.

  • PowerShell makes life both fun and easy
  • Batch is old and let me play TIE Fighter by editing autoexec.bat
  • Shell is also old
  • Python is excessivley cool and powerful right now
  • JavaScript has C-like syntax
  • VBScript
  • Perl brought regex to the masses (this is also a drawback)
  • PHP built a few websites

Bash is very portable in the sense that every platform I plan on building this static site on will have it installed. I could definitely install PowerShell at build time but it could mean unnecessary delays and a potential for errors that could have been avoided. Yes, I do have PowerShell installed on the system I’m using for builds but my plan is to move it to the cloud soon enough.

POSTS=$(find ./content/posts -type f -name "*.md")
printf "$(pwd) working directory\n"
for POST in $POSTS; do
	echo "<div class=\"vale-output\">" >> $POST
    printf "Hi, this post was checked with <a href=\"\">vale</a> which is a content-aware linter. It was checked using the Microsoft style as well as some rules that I made. A summary of those results is below. More details as to how this was put together will follow. This post had: " >> $POST
    /home/vstsagent/.linuxbrew/bin/vale --output='assets/utilities/vale-prod-template.tmpl' "$POST" | ./assets/utilities/  --palette-solarized --body-only >> $POST
    /home/vstsagent/.linuxbrew/bin/vale --output='assets/utilities/vale-prod-template.tmpl' "$POST" 
	echo "</div>" >> $POST

I call this and it lives with the other assets in, you guessed it, assets/utilities. Line 1 is getting all the markdown files (yeah, I write my posts in markdown, big whoop wanna fight about it) in the path content/posts which is where my posts are stored. That directory is actually flat at the moment and I may regret that but time will tell. Line 2 is just debugging and could easily go away. Line 3 is the wonderful for statement which is actually the type of loop I use the most in scripting because, as it turns out, I usually have a large list of things I want to do something to or with.

This is an abjectly low-tech solution but it is quite effective. As the build environment is ephemeral I have no qualms in just tossing the requisite information right into the file itself–it doesn’t get pushed to the repository at any point and gets deleted when the next build rolls along. There are other options, genuinely. The template could have placeholder text that could be replaced after build. You could write a script or program to parse the DOM of the built HTML file and then “correctly” add in the information. I didn’t go this route because, honestly, it wouldn’t play quite as nice if I switched up the template significantly. That’s what I would tell people, at any rate. I chose to avoid editing the built files because it was just more complicated. Hugo is going to build the site for me so why even fight it? Let it do its job.

Lines 6 and 7 look interesting and that’s because of and vale-prod-template.tmpl. I’ll start with the one that doesn’t sound like a member of the Insane Clown Posse. vale-prod-template.tmpl is an output template for vale and what this means is that you can structure the output using the Go templating specification like Hugo.

{{- /* Keep track of our various counts */ -}}

{{- $e := 0 -}}
{{- $w := 0 -}}
{{- $s := 0 -}}
{{- $f := 0 -}}

{{- /* Range over the linted files */ -}}

{{- range .Files}}
{{$table := newTable true}}

{{- $f = add1 $f -}}

{{- /* Range over the file's alerts */ -}}

{{- range .Alerts -}}

{{- $error := "" -}}
{{- if eq .Severity "error" -}}
    {{- $error = .Severity | red -}}
    {{- $e = add1 $e  -}}
{{- else if eq .Severity "warning" -}}
    {{- $error = .Severity | yellow -}}
    {{- $w = add1 $w -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- $error = .Severity | blue -}}
    {{- $s = add1 $s -}}
{{- end}}

{{- $loc := printf "%d:%d" .Line (index .Span 0) -}}
{{- $row := list $loc $error .Message .Check | toStrings -}}

{{- $table = addRow $table $row -}} 
{{end -}}

{{- $e}} {{"errors" | red}}, {{$w}} {{"warnings" | yellow}} and {{$s}} {{"suggestions" | blue}}

Go templating is not complex so much as it can get complicated so I won’t get into it too much in this post. You may see more of that as I augment the template for this website. But it’s safe to say that there is a table object created, $table, that stores the output in terms of category, content, and module that vale outputs by default. At the time of this build I did not desire the full output–just the totals. I removed one line from the example provided by vale in their documentation to get the desired effect. There is also the option of outputting JSON to do more complex operations, such as potentially interactively correcting issues, however that was not the scope of my ambition. is an open-source shell script by Pádraig Brady aka pixelbeat and is available on Github. I like color terminals and color output. I really like color terminals and color output. I didn’t want to go through the process of converting it myself but I was confident that someone else had already done it. I use the --body-only argument to ensure I don’t get the unnecessary HTML tags. I then used the --css-only tag to generate some CSS and incorporate it into my theme using the customCSS parameter built in to the Archie theme.

It’s fairly apparent how color is used in the output template for vale and I both liked it and wanted to incorporate it into the post page itself. So that’s how I did it. Piped it into a shell script. Appended it to a markdown file. Not exactly rocket surgery but it didn’t really need to be.

On one condition

How could this be translated into a green/red build status. So glad you asked. Will I be implementing this for my personal blog? Absolutely not. But if I was this would be how I would do it. As a thought experiment, I would certainly change a few things in to make that happen. Firstly, I would not use the modified output template for vale so that, in my build log, I’d have the output. There may be a more clever way to do this, like perhaps publishing an artifact

Time may change me

Confession: I’ve changed a few things. I’ve adjusted and added on to a couple of things. Nothing terribly huge but it could have an impact. Most importantly, I’ve adjusted the azure-pipelines.yml file to have various stages. It doesn’t really have an impact on anything but it is somehow more satisfying and allows for the generic reports in Slack to be a little more communicative if, also, a little more annoying.

- main
- feature/*

- cron: "0 6 * * *" # cron syntax defining a schedule
  displayName: "Scheduled build" # friendly name given to a specific schedule
    include: [ "main" ] # which branches the schedule applies to
    exclude: [  ] # which branches to exclude from the schedule
  always: true # whether to always run the pipeline or only if there have been source code changes since the last successful scheduled run. The default is false.

  - stage: 'CheckoutCode'
    displayName: 'Checking out code'
      - job:
          name: Default
          clean: all

        - checkout: self
          displayName: 'Checkout repository including submodules'
          submodules: true  # true so Hugo theme submodule is checked out
  - stage: 'ProcessVale'
    displayName: 'Processing posts through vale'
      - job: 
        - checkout: none    
        - task: Bash@3
          displayName: 'processing via vale script'
          condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')
            filePath: 'assets/utilities/'
        - task: Bash@3
          displayName: 'processing via vale staging script'
          condition: ne(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')
            filePath: 'assets/utilities/'
  - stage: 'GenerateHugo'
    displayName: 'Building Hugo site'
      - job:
        - checkout: none
        - task: CmdLine@2
          displayName: 'Hugo build'
          condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')
          #command line runs with --noprofile --norc and that's annoying
            script: '/home/vstsagent/.linuxbrew/bin/hugo --cleanDestinationDir --minify'
        - task: CmdLine@2
          displayName: 'Hugo Staging Build'
          condition: ne(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')
          #command line runs with --noprofile --norc and that's annoying
            script: '/home/vstsagent/.linuxbrew/bin/hugo -D -F --cleanDestinationDir --minify --baseURL='
  - stage: 'DeploymentStage'
    displayName: "Deploy Static Web App"
      - job:
        - checkout: none          
        - task: AzureStaticWebApp@0
          condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')
          displayName: 'Deploying to'
            skip_app_build: true 
            app_location: '/public'
            app_build_command: ''
            output_location: ''
            azure_static_web_apps_api_token: '$(TOKEN)'
        - task: AzureStaticWebApp@0
          displayName: 'deploying to staging site'
          condition: ne(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')
            skip_app_build: true 
            app_location: '/public'
            app_build_command: ''
            output_location: ''
            azure_static_web_apps_api_token: '$(STAGING_TOKEN)'

This change is primarily composed of adding stage and job entries however there is a very important component, if you were to go down this path, that you should be aware of. Every job, by default, will 100% check out the code from the repo. I’m not entirely certain why this is desirable but in the pipeline that I have constructed it is definitively not desirable under any circumstances. This led to be troubleshooting why my changes to the vale output template weren’t coming through any longer. I finally noticed, in the Azure Pipelines logs that every stage began with a checkout. An interesting choice, to me, but perhaps there is method to that madness that I am simply oblivious to.

Failure is an option

The second change was to which has some added features to it. See for yourself:

echo "#####################"

POSTS=$(find ./content/posts -type f -name "*.md")
#which i would have done this in powershell but it may not live in containers
printf "$(pwd) working directory\n"
for POST in $POSTS; do
	printf "\n \n"
	printf "\n \n<div class=\"vale-output\">" >> $POST
  printf "Hi, this post was checked with <a href=\"\">vale</a> which is a content-aware linter. It was checked using the Microsoft style as well as some rules that I made. A summary of those results is below. More details as to how this was put together will follow. This post had: " >> $POST

   /home/vstsagent/.linuxbrew/bin/vale --output='assets/utilities/vale-prod-template.tmpl' "$POST" | ./assets/utilities/  --palette-solarized --body-only >> $POST
  printf "For details on the linting of this post <label for=\"toggle\">click here</label><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"toggle\"><div class=\"peekaboo\"><pre>" >> $POST
  /home/vstsagent/.linuxbrew/bin/vale "$POST" | ./assets/utilities/  --palette-solarized --body-only >> $POST
  printf "</pre></div>" >> $POST
  echo "</div>" >> $POST
  if /home/vstsagent/.linuxbrew/bin/vale "$POST" | grep -q 'marktoso.Spelling'; then
    echo "##vso[task.logissue type=error]Spelling error in $POST"
    exit 1

Lines 14-16 add the additional content to the blurb at the bottom and there will be a clever CSS hack for that. Lines 18-21 actually throw an error to the Azure Pipeline. You’ll see that the condition there is that, if the output of vale for that file at any point contains marktoso.Spelling to just outright fail and exit 1. This fails the entire pipeline and doesn’t deploy the build. This also runs vale twice on every file but my build times increased significantly from adding the stages to it (about an 100% increase or from 32-38 seconds to a minute and change) and increased hardly at all from running vale twice as it is quite performant.

Quality of life update

Added a few lines to which were massive quality of life improvements. To give you an idea, I have both the example posts from the theme as well as draft posts where I just type in random things to be filled out later. These have a plethora of spelling errors and going through and correcting them is of dubious value since they will never see the light of day as they are. Toss these three lines right at the top of the for loop to save some struggle.

    if head $POST | grep -q "draft: true"; then

Make sure that your front matter shows in head. I was having an issue with the vale output not showing up in this post and that’s because head was originally cat and of course “draft: true” showed up in the post because it was in that code block.

Task failed successfully

You may recall from Spellcheck My Doc, Before It’s Too Late that I set up a spelling rule, aptly named Spelling, in the custom style named marktoso. This is why the script looks for marktoso.Spelling to fail. This text only shows up with spelling errors and that’s the failure condition that I’ve chosen to be the go/no go. If I have a spelling error that I haven’t addressed in one form or another then the site shouldn’t build. The other errors will normally come from the Microsoft style which is geared towards professional documentation and I’m very comfortable with those staying in. They’re educational at worst.

“Azure Pipeline failing intentionally based on the output of a shell script”

That looks great, doesn’t it? Like so much is happening. But it is helpful to understand that a specific file triggered the error. No one is stopping anyone from creating utility scripts for their teams or other automation to run against the documents to then have a failed build–quite the opposite. This is the doc gate that should encourage teams and people to do this ahead of time. Before it even shows up in a pull request. I realize it’s steps short of a full test suite however it was relatively trivial to get going and does a not-too-dissimilar, and grantedly shallower, job.

Style me up

Yes, with we are getting that delicious vale output (and if you’re wondering what the difference is between vale and vale is, vale is the actual command while vale is the product or project). I’m going to do something perhaps ill-advised but just tack on some CSS to my ansi2html.css file that was set up back in Spellcheck My Doc, Before It’s Too Late.

I’m actually struggling with the style sheet a little bit. The theme has some user-agent specific themes that may (or may not be) overriding the changes that I’m making to checkbox. So you’ll see a checkbox down there. It’s helpful for accessibility so I don’t want to mess with it too much but it doesn’t look great.

   display: none;

 .vale-output input[type="checkbox"] {
   display: none;
 #toggle:checked ~ .peekaboo {
   display: block;

I’m not a front end web person so I’m way out of date on this but you can check out “The Checkbox Hack” (and things you can do with it) for even more information. I’ll be looking around for a way to hide that checkbox from sight or refactor this to work with a different, but equally compatible, method. You will see the fruits of the labor below (unless I changed it already). Go forth and build. 👷

Hi, this post was checked with vale which is a content-aware linter. It was checked using the Microsoft style as well as some rules that I made. A summary of those results is below. More details as to how this was put together check out this post. This post had: 20 errors, 101 warnings and 0 suggestions For details on the linting of this post
 10:50    error    Punctuation should be inside    Microsoft.Quotes             
                   the quotes.                                                  
 10:107   warning  Consider removing 'rarely'.     Microsoft.Adverbs            
 10:394   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 10:534   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 10:545   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 10:609   error    Use 'it's' instead of 'it is'.  Microsoft.Contractions       
 14:68    warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'My') sparingly.                                             
 14:133   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 16:18    warning  In general, don't use an        Microsoft.Ellipses           
 17:49    warning  Consider using 'if' instead of  Microsoft.Wordiness          
                   'in the event that'.                                         
 17:126   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 29:158   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 29:188   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 29:212   warning  Prefer 'personal digital        Microsoft.Terms              
                   assistant' over 'agent'.                                     
 29:225   warning  Prefer 'personal digital        Microsoft.Terms              
                   assistant' over 'agent'.                                     
 29:303   error    Use 'that's' instead of 'that   Microsoft.Contractions       
 29:314   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 29:498   warning  Prefer 'personal digital        Microsoft.Terms              
                   assistant' over 'agent'.                                     
 29:598   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 31:4     error    Punctuation should be inside    Microsoft.Quotes             
                   the quotes.                                                  
 31:20    warning  Don't use end punctuation in    Microsoft.HeadingPunctuation 
 31:30    error    Punctuation should be inside    Microsoft.Quotes             
                   the quotes.                                                  
 32:104   error    Use 'it's' instead of 'it is'.  Microsoft.Contractions       
 32:293   warning  Prefer 'personal digital        Microsoft.Terms              
                   assistant' over 'agent'.                                     
 32:358   warning  Try to avoid using              Microsoft.We                 
                   first-person plural like                                     
 35:36    warning  Try to avoid using              Microsoft.We                 
                   first-person plural like 'We'.                               
 35:95    warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 35:162   warning  Consider using 'all' instead    Microsoft.Wordiness          
                   of 'all of'.                                                 
 37:28    warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'me') sparingly.                                             
 45:10    warning  Consider removing 'very'.       Microsoft.Adverbs            
 45:56    warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 45:119   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 45:270   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 45:316   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 45:341   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 45:366   warning  Prefer 'cloud' over 'the        Microsoft.Terms              
 57:1     warning  Use first person (such as 'I    Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 57:162   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 57:259   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 57:329   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 57:403   warning  Consider removing 'easily'.     Microsoft.Adverbs            
 57:493   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 57:585   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 59:43    error    Use 'it's' instead of 'it is'.  Microsoft.Contractions       
 59:103   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 59:560   warning  Consider removing 'honestly'.   Microsoft.Adverbs            
 59:603   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 59:657   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 59:691   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 59:807   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'me') sparingly.                                             
 104:56   error    Use 'isn't' instead of 'is      Microsoft.Contractions       
 104:111  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 104:182  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 104:281  error    More than 3 commas!             marktoso.TresComas           
 104:413  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 104:416  error    Use 'didn't' instead of 'did    Microsoft.Contractions       
 104:464  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 104:688  warning  Consider removing               Microsoft.Adverbs            
 104:746  error    Use 'wasn't' instead of 'was    Microsoft.Contractions       
 104:767  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 106:250  warning  Consider removing 'really'.     Microsoft.Adverbs            
 106:364  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 106:462  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 106:501  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 106:580  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 108:6    warning  Consider removing 'fairly'.     Microsoft.Adverbs            
 108:77   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 108:163  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 108:277  warning  Consider removing 'really'.     Microsoft.Adverbs            
 111:84   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 111:112  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 111:152  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 111:176  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 111:216  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 111:305  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 111:374  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 113:21   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'me') sparingly.                                             
 114:98   warning  Consider removing 'terribly'.   Microsoft.Adverbs            
 114:239  warning  Consider removing 'really'.     Microsoft.Adverbs            
 114:277  error    Use 'it's' instead of 'it is'.  Microsoft.Contractions       
 205:91   warning  Consider removing 'very'.       Microsoft.Adverbs            
 205:250  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 205:321  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 205:341  error    Use 'it's' instead of 'it is'.  Microsoft.Contractions       
 205:436  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 205:625  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'me') sparingly.                                             
 205:677  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 234:7    error    Use an en dash in a range of    Microsoft.RangeFormat        
 234:7    warning  In most cases, use 'from' or    Microsoft.Ranges             
                   'through' to describe a range                                
                   of numbers.                                                  
 234:119  error    Use an en dash in a range of    Microsoft.RangeFormat        
 234:119  warning  In most cases, use 'from' or    Microsoft.Ranges             
                   'through' to describe a range                                
                   of numbers.                                                  
 234:438  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 234:538  warning  In most cases, use 'from' or    Microsoft.Ranges             
                   'through' to describe a range                                
                   of numbers.                                                  
 234:538  error    Use an en dash in a range of    Microsoft.RangeFormat        
 234:633  error    Use 'it's' instead of 'it is'.  Microsoft.Contractions       
 236:191  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 236:390  error    Use 'they're' instead of 'they  Microsoft.Contractions       
 243:50   warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 245:33   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'My') sparingly.                                             
 245:98   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 245:138  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 245:406  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 245:435  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 245:628  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 245:632  warning  Consider removing 'very'.       Microsoft.Adverbs            
 249:64   error    Use 'it's' instead of 'it is'.  Microsoft.Contractions       
 249:434  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 251:10   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'me') sparingly.                                             
 252:37   error    Use 'we're' instead of 'we      Microsoft.Contractions       
 252:37   warning  Try to avoid using              Microsoft.We                 
                   first-person plural like 'we'.                               
 252:225  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 252:300  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 252:360  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'My') sparingly.                                             
 252:425  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'my') sparingly.                                             
 254:1    warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 254:84   warning  Prefer 'personal digital        Microsoft.Terms              
                   assistant' over 'agent'.                                     
 254:159  warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 254:255  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 268:2    warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 268:36   warning  Use first person (such as       Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   'I'm') sparingly.                                            
 268:401  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                
 274:210  warning  Use first person (such as ' I   Microsoft.FirstPerson        
                   ') sparingly.                                                

20 errors, 102 warnings and 0 suggestions in 1 file.

  1. not a guarantee batteries not included some assembly required your mileage may vary void where prohibited not valid in the state of solid, liquid, gas, or plasma ↩︎